The Fraser Valley Angling Guides Association (FVAGA) was co-founded by Frank Staiger, Steve Arcand, Kelly Davison, Fred Helmer and Marc Laynes in 1999. The FVAGA is a registered British Columbia Society.

FVAGA Gallery

FVAGA Gallery

FVAGA Gallery

FVAGA Gallery

The purpose of the association is to provide:

  • A collective singular voice to both levels of Government in regards to angling guide policies, angling regulations, angling opportunities and promotion of the direct and indirect economic and social benefits of angling.
  • To demonstrate to the Province industry initiative, reliance, open communication and cooperation.
  • To promote the professional, licenced angling guides in the Fraser Valley, and to maintain a code of conduct and ethics
  • To promote the world class fisheries of the Fraser Valley.
  • To provide angling guides the opportunity to resolve angling related issues in a professional manner (these points are summaries of our Constitution).

The FVAGA promotes sustainable angling tourism in the Fraser river watershed, and have demonstrated leadership in conservation, sustainability and angling tourism. The FVAGA provides “in-kind” voluntary sturgeon data, information valued in excess of $800 000 annually, during their course of operations.

Members of the FVAGA also participate voluntarily and professionally in Environmental Assessment work within the Fraser river watershed for 25 years.

2022/23 Board of Directors

  • Directors – Kevin Estrada, Chris Ciesla, Ron Houniet, Yves Bisson, Braeden Szlabon, Derek Clayton and Brandon Wootton.
  • Advisors – Frank Staiger.

This culminates in over 100 years of licenced angling guide expertise.

The FVAGA participates in various angling related organizations including:

Fraser River Sportfishing Alliance (FRSA), South Coast Angling Advisory Team (SCAAT), Provincial Angling Advisory Team (PAAT), BCWF In-land Fisheries Committee, Sport Fish Advisory Board (SFAB subcommittee), Lower Fraser River Fisheries Collaborative Dialogue.

We offer a special insurance package rate for FVAGA members only. We send out regular communications to membership with respect to current angling regulation and policy changes.

Annual Membership in the Fraser Valley Angling Guides Association runs from June 1st to May 30th.

Fees are $250 for an Angling Guide and $125 for an Assistant Guide.

For more information on joining FVAGA, please fill out the form here.